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Bridget Kirby is the founder of The Coal Coast Mums Club. A mother with 2 small children looking to bring together mums from the local area to network with other mums, be inspired by guest speakers on a range of topics and enjoy socialising at an event that is 'guilt-free' - with childcare creche services.

Bridget is a pharmacist and in recent years has been working for Medicare Local. Bridget moved to Wombarra in May 2014 finding it isolating and was fearful as how to make friends. It didnt take long to build  a great network of supportive mums through her children's playgroup and local activities. 

Bridget's desire to assist other mums new to the area avoid her own isolating experiences, and her eagerness to continue to be stimulated and inspired by successful mothers who have managed to find the key to the secret of home/work life balanace, has led to the development of the Coal Coast Mums Club.

Come along to a new and exciting local mothers club for mums wanting to be inspired, build new relationships and socialise with like-minded women
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